One Day at a Time

I’ve never been much for New Year’s resolutions. I’m too likely to feel defeated when I don’t keep them after a few days of trying half-heartedly to lose 15 pounds and find I’ve gained seven, or instead of walking a mile a day, I drive the half block to the mailbox. I did promise myself to draw and sketch a bit more this year. No promises, I just think I will make an effort to act like a real artist and hone my drawing skills. I’ve always loved writing and keeping a prayer journal, starting each day with a list of the good things happening to me and around me, so in this new year I’m going to fill a new sketchbook with those things around me that I enjoy. Today it’s my soft bed, my warm blue robe and my thirteen year old cranky cat. Maybe tomorrow it will be my coffee cup. Or my warm house shoes. What are you grateful for today?

Published by sebland

artist, teacher, coach, wife, mother, grandmother, business owner

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